Lesson 6
If a word ends with a stressed vocal that is not an –e, nor the words papá, mamá or sofá, the plural is made by adding –es at the end. Singular Plural Colibrí (humming bird) Colibríes (humming birds) Rubí (ruby) Rubíes (rubies)
read more »If a word ends with a stressed vocal that is not an –e, nor the words papá, mamá or sofá, the plural is made by adding –es at the end. Singular Plural Colibrí (humming bird) Colibríes (humming birds) Rubí (ruby) Rubíes (rubies)
read more »If a word ends with –z in the singular form, the –z is replaced by –c in the plural form. Singular Plural Luz (light) Luces (lights) Lápiz (pencil) Lápices (pencils) Cruz (cross) Cruces (crosses) Vez (time) Veces (times) Raíz (root) Raíces (roots) Pez (fish) […]
read more »The plural of the words papá (father), mamá (mother) and sofá (sofa) by adding an –s at the end. Singular Plural Papá Papás Mamá Mamás Sofá Sofás
read more »Words that don’t change have two or more syllables and end with an –s and are not acute. The days of the week except sabado (Saturday) and domingo (Sunday) for example. Singular […]
read more »If a word ends with a consonant, -es is added at the end to form the plural. Singular Plural Papel (paper) Papeles (papers) Pared (wall) Paredes (walls) Reloj (watch) Reloches (watches) Motor (motor) motores (motors) Volcán (volcano) Volcanes (volcanoes)
read more »If a word ends with an unstressed vocal, or with a stressed -e, the plural is formed by adding an –s at the end. Singular Plural Persona (person) Personas (people) Casa (house) Casas (houses) Vaso (glass) Vasos (glasses) Café (coffee) Cafés (coffees)
read more »The commons: Words with the same ending for both genders. Estudiante (student), dentista (dentist), paciente (patient), periodista (journalist), gerente (manager), cliente (client), joven (teen), conserje (janitor), guía (guide), etc.
read more »Ambiguous: Words that do not have a gender, and can thus be written with both feminine and masculine articles, without changing the definition of the noun. Lente (lens), mar (sea), arte (art), dote (dowry), azúcar (sugar), etc. The use of articles will be explained in Chapter 3.
read more »Epicenes: Words that need the words Macho (male) or Hembra (female) to identify the gender. Tiburón (shark) Macho Tiburón (shark) Hembra Mosca (fly) Macho Mosca (fly) Hembra Pulga (flea) Macho Pulga (flea) Hembra Culebra (snake) Macho Culebra (snake) Hembra Hormiga (ant) Macho Hormiga (ant) Hembra Abeja (bee) Macho Abeja (bee) Hembra Ballena (whale) Macho Ballena […]
read more »General rules for femenine words: The majority of words that end with –a. Casa (house), puerta (door), cabeza (head), hija (daughter), ropa (clothes), palma (palm), tienda (store), pluma (feather), etc. All words that end with -ción, -sión, -dad, -tud, -red. Canción (song), tensión (tensión), ciudad (city), actitud (attitude), pared (wall), etc. Many words ending in […]
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