Monthly Archives: mayo 2016

Lesson 2

Lesson 2

The defined article is placed before the seasons of the year, the days of the week, certain expressions of time, parts of the body, clothing, and certain official country names. El invierno es muy frío. (The Winter is very cold.)                                       (seasons of the year) El lunes es un buen día. (Monday is a good […]

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Lesson 1

Lesson 1

The defined article is used before a title of courtesy, except for when the person is directly addressed. El señor Ramírez trabaja en la escuela (Mr. Ramírez Works in the school.) Buenos días señor Ramírez. (Good day mr. Ramírez.) La señorita Rodríguez vive en Antigua. (Mrs. Rodríguez lives in Antigua.) Pase adelante señorita Rodríguez. (Come […]

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Lesson 6

Lesson 6

If a word ends with a stressed vocal that is not an –e, nor the words papá, mamá or sofá, the plural is made by adding –es at the end. Singular                                              Plural Colibrí (humming bird)                 Colibríes (humming birds) Rubí (ruby)                                        Rubíes (rubies)

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Lesson 5

Lesson 5

If a word ends with –z in the singular form, the –z is replaced by –c in the plural form. Singular                                              Plural Luz (light)                                           Luces (lights) Lápiz (pencil)                                    Lápices (pencils) Cruz (cross)                                       Cruces (crosses) Vez (time)                                         Veces (times) Raíz (root)                                          Raíces (roots) Pez (fish)                       […]

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Lesson 4

Lesson 4

The plural of the words papá (father), mamá (mother) and sofá (sofa) by adding an –s at the end. Singular                                              Plural Papá                                                     Papás Mamá                                                  Mamás Sofá                                                      Sofás

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Lesson 2

Lesson 2

If a word ends with a consonant, -es is added at the end to form the plural. Singular                                              Plural Papel (paper)                                   Papeles (papers) Pared (wall)                                      Paredes (walls) Reloj (watch)                                   Reloches (watches) Motor (motor)                                 motores (motors) Volcán (volcano)                             Volcanes (volcanoes)

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Lesson 1

Lesson 1

If a word ends with an unstressed vocal, or with a stressed -e, the plural is formed by adding an –s at the end. Singular                                              Plural Persona (person)                           Personas (people) Casa (house)                                    Casas (houses) Vaso (glass)                                       Vasos (glasses) Café (coffee)                                    Cafés (coffees)

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