Lesson 7

Lesson 7


Verbs that express obligation

Indicating an obligation is done with three different verbs in Spanish, and each of those is used for different situations.


  1. Haber que (to have to): (necessity)

– Hay que estudiar todos los días. (You have to study every day)

– Hay que sembrar para cosechar (It needs planting for harvesting)

– ¿Hay que volver? (Do we have to return?)


  1. Tener que (to have to): (personal)

– Tengo que asistir a una sesión. (I have to attend a session.)

– Tengo que regresar a mi trabajo. (I have to get back to work.)

– Tienen que hacerlo. (They have to do it.)


  1. Deber (to have to): (Generally with a moral appreciation)

– Los niños deben respetar a sus padres. (Children must respect their parents.)

– Todos debemos cumplir con la ley. (We must all comply with the law.)

– Debemos ayudar a los enfermos. (We must help the ill.)


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