Lesson 2
The Adjective:
The adjective is the part of the sentence that qualifies or modifies the noun and indicates its qualities and ending. It is divided into qualifying or qualitative and determined or numeric, in agreement with the noun. Usually, the adjective is used after the noun.
Qualifying or qualitative:
Niño alto (tall boy) Niña alta (tall girl)
Niños altos (tall boys) Niñas altas (tall girls)
The majority of the adjectives that don’t end in –o in the masculine form have the same construction as the feminine form.
Determined or numeric:
Un hombre libre (a free man) Una mujer libre (A free woman)
Su blusa gris (his/her grey blouse) Tu camisa gris (your grey shirt)
Some adjectives that don’t end in –o are:
Grande (big), Veloz (fast), Verde (green), Débil (weak), Doble (double), Fiel (faithful), Cortés (courteous), Mejor (better), Soez (filthy), Suave (soft), Valiente (brave), Alegre (happy), Etc.