Lesson 3

Lesson 3


Verbs with a change of the root, E becomes I

Verbs that change E for I in the root, do that for each person, except nosotros and vosotros, and it only happens in verbs ending with –IR in the infinitive:



Verbs ending with –IR

Pedir (to ask / request)

Below are come more verbs that are conjugated with this root change:
Yo pido Pedir (to ask / request)
Tú pides Reír (to laugh)
El pide Sonreír (to smile)
Ella pide Vestir(se) (to dress)
Usted pide Repetir (to repeat)
Nosotros pedimos Despedir(se) (to fire)
Vosotros pedís Medir (to measure)
Ellos piden
Ellas piden
Ustedes piden


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