Lesson 4

Lesson 4


Regular verbs ending with                    -ER                                      -IR

                                                       Comer (to eat)                 Abrir (to open)

Yo                                                          com-o                                  abr-o

Tu                                                          com-es                                abr-es

Él, Ella                                                  com-e                                  abr-e

Nosotros                                              com-emos                         abr-imos

Ellos, ellas, ustedes                             com-en                               abr-en

Some verbs ending in –ER:

Comer (to eat)                                 correr (to run)                  beber (to drink)

Comprender (to understand)          leer (to read)                    coser (to sew)

Vender (to sell)                               romper (to break)          esconder (to hide)


Some verbs ending in –IR:

Vivir (to live)                                     abrir (to open)                                 subir (to go up)

Escribir (to write)                            describer (to describe)                   recibir (to receive)

Partir (to depart)                            prohibir (to prohibit)                            sufrir (to suffer)


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