Lesson 5

Lesson 5


The present indicative

Irregular verbs

As in most languages, Spanish also knows irregular verbs. Some verbs have just one irregular conjugations, others are completely irregular. Lesson 5, 6 and 7 in this chapter treat irregular verbs, but there are many different and important irregular conjugations, which is why chapter 6 and 7 are also about irregular verbs.

Examples of irregular verbs in the first person singular:

  Saber (to know) Ver (to see) Hacer (to do) Salir (to go out) Traer (to bring)
Yo Veo Hago Salgo Traigo
Sabes Ves Haces Sales Traes
Él, ella, usted Sabe Ve Hace Sale Trae
Nosotros Sabemos Vemos Hacemos Salimos traemos
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes Saben Ven Hacen Salen traen
  Caber (to fit) Poner (to put) Dar (to give) Valer (to be worth) Caer (to fall)
Yo Quepo Pongo Doy Valgo Caigo
Cabes Pones Das Valés Caés
Él, ella, usted Cabe Pone Da Vale Cae
Nosotros Cabemos Ponemos Damos Valemos Caemos
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes Caben Ponen Dan Valen Caen

As you can see here, those verbs are conjugated like regular verbs, except the first person singular.

Note: Generally the verb valer is used in the third person singular or third person plural. The verb prever (to foresee) is conjugated as ver. The verbs deshacer (to undo) and rehacer (to redo) are conjugated as hacer. The verbs distrear (to distract), atraer (to attract) and contraer (to contract) are conjugated as the verb traer. Disponer (to provide), proponer (to propose) and suponer (to suppose) are conjugated as poner.


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